Deals & packages

Here you will find the best offers and packages for hotels, restaurants and other establishments in Noordwijk. See for yourself and find the right arrangement for your stay in Noordwijk.

We would like to have a wonderful holiday on the Dutch coast!

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5 results

  • DYLANS Delicious | Alexander Hotel

    DYLANS Delicious | Alexander Hotel

    from € 226.00

  • Blown Away | Alexander Hotel

    Blown Away | Alexander Hotel

    Stay, unwind, and enjoy exquisite dining at Alexander Beach Club.

    from € 232.00

  • Short Beach Break | Alexander Hotel

    Short Beach Break | Alexander Hotel

    Stay, unwind, and indulge in delightful dining at DYLANS and Alexander Beach Club.

    from € 345.00

  • Relax. Restore. Renew. | Alexander Hotel

    Relax. Restore. Renew. | Alexander Hotel

    Stay, relax by the sea, and enjoy exquisite dining at DYLANS and Alexander Beach Club.

    from € 269.00

  • Break the bi(cycle) | Alexander Hotel

    Break the bi(cycle) | Alexander Hotel

    from € 309.00